Completely Without Knowledge

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Beginnig Again

A new job, a familiar place, and maybe a reason to start writing again. Back in Colorado, still in the oilfield, and back in a hotel. It has been 5+ years since I have moved, an eternity for me. Just a few more days in the hotel, and then back to life with my wife and son. Enough of that crap, here it goes.

Right now, it is facebook, I am catching up on memories, but there is no way I am catching up with friends long lost. These are memories, I click on a friend and then click through their pictures, getting a quick and dirty snapshot of their life. Then I go to their friends, some I know, some I don't and then to someone I have memories of. I add them, and am tempted to write, but what do you write to someone you haven't seen or talked to in a third of their life? I have no misconception that we will be friends again, I imagine what I might say or do if we ever reunited. I don't worry for too long, I know a reunion will most likely never occur.

Is this what we are now? I fall back on my handful of friends, the friends I talk to and see. The possibilities of this communication we have in place is endless, but I have not the energy to devote to this past time.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


So I have to send my random thoughts to my personal account, and then try to remember what the hell I wanted to ramble about.

I have one email that says, "Hair"

Yeah, I was so tired I washed my hair like three times in one shower, need more sleep.

The other is the lyrics to a Misfits song. The XM radio has me listening to a punk station and it dominates, but it gives me no motivation to work... Which isn't all that bad.

Right now, nothing, my life is too good to be an effective blogger.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Instant Karma, talk smack about how you don't need kneepads to play volleyball. Yeah, I played until 10:30 last night. My knees are literally covered with raspberries. They hurt less than my bruised ego. I had been playing on a level that I hadn't experienced in a while, until last night. My ability to hit the ball evaporated, and I don't know why. Then, I let the unthinkable happen, I got into my own head. That happens to me now, it never used to happen (or maybe it has always happened and I am just now figuring it out).

Either way, I pulled myself down by beating myself up. I will work to remedy this immediately.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


As I sat in church Sunday (yes church), I couldn't help think bad thoughts about religion in general. I have tried to spin the readings into good lessons about life without bringing a god into it, but Sunday I just couldn't. It was one of the passages that explains a lot about why we have religious wars. Judge 2.23 or something like that, about crushing the altars of the non-believing and how god always finds a way to forgive and save.

The crushing thing bothered me, but it doesn't surprise me. Our pastor tried to eak by the crushing of the altars, but he had to mention it. It was like he knew that seemed a little off, but he had to mention it because God said it, therefore it must be important.

What really bothered me was that God always finds a way to save us. I just don't believe it, I mean why do we have to give credit to an almighty being for saving us? Why can't we come to grips with our ability as humans to overcome adversity through our intellect and continue to survive? The bible cracks me up, and the way our pastor interprets it. I mean, it was like when I saw the first new Star Wars, they were amazing at foreshadowing the Star Wars. You know why? Because they had already been written, anybody can foreshadow events that have already happened.

Also, at the end he banged it into us that we couldn't blame God for our lives or our mistakes? WTF! I don't think I ever even considered that, just like salvation comes from within, if you don't think those mistakes are your own doing, then you have more problems than a God can fix.

Going straight to hell, glad Fuego will be there.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Fun Stuff

You ever run into a post while checking out a chick during a 6 mile run?

You ever get your nut sack bruised while letting someone else do a little trimming?

Today I listened to the world complain about all sorts of stuff on my new radio, and they had nothing to complain about versus my last 48 hours.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


One more, I remember 2 years ago when I last saw Kyle we discussed Bush. We weren't sure if he was a liar or just so dumb that he actually believed what he was saying.

Then today I heard him confidently proclaim he was going to get a peace deal brokered with the Palestinians and the Israelis. He has a year to do something that no one has ever really been able to do.

He really is that dumb.

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As we sat around the dinner table last night, my wife and I discussed Okies. We were discussing how one of our neighbors is ashamed to live in our neighborhood, and can't grasp that my wife and I are going to continue to live in our house. She said that her mother makes fun of her for living in our neighborhood. That bothered me, but it epitomizes Okies.

They are never satisfied with what they have, and they believe they deserve more. They are possibly the most materialistic people I know of. I hate it, and I hate that the longer I live here the more I act like them. The reason people can have such nice things here, because it is cheap to live here. It is cheap to live here, because no one wants to live here. It offers not one thing over other places that I have lived, other than it is cheap to live here.

My mother doesn't make fun of me for living in our neighborhood, she makes fun of me for living in Oklahoma.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

That Long

Hooked up, I am never hooked up. I pride myself in being able to handle my business, but it is that foolish pride that bites me in the ass. In college, I breezed through the basics, not realizing the basics were training for the upcoming classes. I paid the price, struggled through classes that now would seem simple. I should have gone to class, but I didn't, so I had to work twice as hard as I should have to simply get by.

Now in life, I am hooked up again, and I haven't prepared for this. Just a little stress, but if I would just not screw off a little it would be much less painful.

I have to screw off, that is who I am. So I will work twice as hard to catch up in half the time. Damn it, you would think I could learn now and then, but I don't.